Greenlife cookware review

GreenLife Cookware Review: Should You Buy it in 2025? (Answered)

Ellyn Eddy

Ellyn is a seasoned writer and editor with profound experience in covering culinary topics. She covers cookware guides and writes hands-on product reviews for The Skillful Cook.


Tired of wasting money on nonstick pans that are nothing but a sticky, frustrating mess? We test the GreenLife Soft Grip 12” Frying Pan so you don’t have to!
Verdict: Average (64/100)
GreenLife Soft Grip Ceramic Nonstick 12 Frying Pan

The GreenLife Soft Grip 12” frying pan is extremely affordable and widely available. It’s a pretty piece of cookware that is best suited for stovetop cooking. Be sure to splurge and get the lid to go with it!

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GreenLife Frying Pan Score

Overall Score:64/100 Points
Cooking Performance 10/20
Build quality7/10
Design & comfort7/10
Ease of use & maint.9/10
Longevity & warranty4/10
Health & Safety7/10
Price & availability10/10
Company & env. impct4/10

Read how we test and review products


  • Beautiful color options
  • Affordable
  • Widely available
  • Easy to clean


  • Oven-safe only to 350°F (176°C)
  • Made in China
  • No spray oils
  • Bottom stains easily
  • Not suitable for induction stovetops
GreenLife Soft Grip Ceramic Nonstick 12″ Frying Pan

When I first took the GreenLife skillet out of the box, my immediate reaction was, “Ooooh, I like this.” It’s beautiful, lightweight for its size, and best of all—it’s not Teflon.

And let’s not forget the price point—it’s surprisingly affordable! At first glance, it seemed like the perfect addition to my kitchen.

But looks and first impressions can only go so far. How did it hold up in real-world cooking? Did it live up to my expectations, or did it fall short when put to the test?

For this review, I tested the GreenLife Soft Grip 12” skillet in turquoise. It’s a nonstick ceramic-coated recycled aluminum pan with a “soft grip” bakelite handle.

The marketing claims it can produce effortless cooking and clean-up, with no PFAS, PFOA, lead, or cadmium present in the pan’s coating. (Notice that this claim is not made about the bakelite handle.)

The GreenLife Soft Grip product line allows you to purchase single pieces, as well as cookware sets. My skillet did not come with a lid, but you can order a 12” skillet with a lid.

Side-by-Side Comparison vs Other Nonstick Brands

GreenLife Soft Grip

Our rating:

12” Frying Pan


Cooking Surface:

2.27 pounds

350°F (176°C)

Thermolon Ceramic

Country of Origin:
China 🇨🇳

GreenPan Rio

Our rating:

12” Frying Pan


Cooking Surface:

2.2 pounds

350°F (176°C)

Thermolon Ceramic

Country of Origin:
China 🇨🇳


Our rating:

10.5” Frying Pan


Cooking Surface:

2.8 pounds

550°F (287°C)

Proprietary Ceramic

Country of Origin:
China 🇨🇳 / Vietnam 🇻🇳

Cooking Performance


I knew from reading the literature for this pan that it would not be high-heat safe. It’s oven-safe to only 350°F, and should be used on “low to medium heat” on the stovetop.

Only use low to medium heat on your Greenlife pan

I didn’t realize how poorly it would perform on “low to medium heat” until I tried it.

The Water Test

Whenever I test a new pan, I start by pouring 2 cups of room temperature water into the pan, then watching it as it comes to a boil. I’ve proven the saying “a watched pot never boils” wrong countless times – but this time, the adage got the better of me! 

The first time I performed this test on the GreenLife pan, I set the heat level on my stove to a 4. Granted, that’s not very high, but I had just boiled water in a similar ceramic pan made by CAROTE at that temperature. 

Well, after 8 minutes, the water still wasn’t boiling. In fact, wisely or not, dipped my finger into the water and it didn’t even feel very hot!

So I started over with room temperature water and cranked the stove setting up to 6.

It took 6 minutes and 41 seconds for the pan to bring the 2 cups of water to a boiling temperature. As you can tell from the bubble pattern in the photo below, there were several small hot spots in the center of the pan. The edge of the pan all the way around was cooler than the center of the pan.

After 15 minutes of boiling water, the handle was hot closest to the pan, but there was no lasting damage. The handle also did not give off any odor from being heated.

The takeaway: The thin aluminum body of this wide skillet had very poor heat retention. This led to hot/cold spots and general poor performance. I had to turn the heat on my stove to a higher temperature than recommended by the manufacturer to simply get water to boil.

Frying An Egg

If there’s one reason you want a nonstick pan, it’s probably for frying eggs. So when a pan claims to be nonstick, I always try frying an egg with no oil, first.

I allowed the pan to preheat, without oil. When the pan was hot, I cracked the egg in the middle of the skillet. The egg did not show those slide-n-slide tendencies you see in your typical non-stick pan commercial, which was a little disappointing. 

Frying An Egg without oil on Greenlife pan

But you know what didn’t disappoint? Flipping the egg. It released beautifully. The egg cooked well in the skillet and left barely a mark behind to show anything had been cooked in the pan at all. 


The GreenLife pan was pretty good for pancakes. The pan revealed its hot/cold spots again, leaving some areas of the pancakes more browned than others. But they all released evenly, leaving next to no mess on the pan, even with little to no oil.

How long will this nonstick ability last? Check out the section below on “longevity” for my thoughts.

Searing Meat

I try cooking meat on all the pans I test. But, out of respect for the “don’t use over medium heat” warning, I set the stove to a 4, and let the pan preheat for a few minutes. I did not use oil in the pan. Putting a drop of water on the surface, I determined the pan was ready. 

I dropped an evenly cut piece of chicken breast right in the center of the pan. For the record, this is a large chicken breast that was cut in half at home by my long-suffering husband.

an evenly cut piece of chicken breast right in the center of the pan

The sear after 3 minutes was terrible. In fact, even after I turned up the heat a bit, it took an incredible 27 minutes and 14 seconds to fully cook the piece of chicken to 165°F (79°C). By that time some of the “sear” was beginning to steam, then burn. Color me not impressed. Again, I had just done this same test with the CAROTE ceramic pans and they performed way better.

The one positive is that even at the 3-minute flip, the chicken didn’t stick to the pan. 

Takeaway: This pan is not impressive when it comes to searing or boiling. It’s a rockstar for eggs. I’d use this pan for eggs and do my heavy-duty cooking with another piece of cookware.

Build Quality


The GreenLife Soft Grip pan has no rivets on the interior, which I love. That makes it easier to clean and doesn’t create a weak point in the ceramic coating.

GreenLife Soft Grip pan has no rivets on the interior

The bottom is flat and there is no wobble when it sits on the stove. I fully believe that the construction of this pan will outlast the ceramic coating.

The bottom of GreenLife Soft Grip pan is flat

However, this pan heats very unevenly, and that will have a significant negative effect on the longevity of the coating. When metal heats and cools, it expands and contracts. If this is happening at different rates all over the pan at the same time, the coating won’t be able to flex and will develop microscopic cracks. 

It was a bit disappointing to realize that the cooking surface of this 12” pan is only 9.5”. I would have expected it to have been at least 10”. 

the pan cooking surface is only 9.5"

Straight out of the box, my pan had several small chips in the paint on the bottom of the pan. While this doesn’t affect the cooking performance, it is disappointing and makes me wonder how well the beautiful color will hold up.

The bottom of the pan with small chip

Design and Comfort


GreenLife pans look like they belong in an Easter basket. There are several beautiful spring colors to choose from, including turquoise, pink, lavender, and yellow with a white interior.  You can also get it with a “black diamond” interior.

The “soft grip” handle is made of comfortable plastic; it’s not metal with a removable plastic sleeve. It’s certainly more comfortable than a narrow metal handle, but I wouldn’t call it life-changing.

soft grip handle  made of comfortable plastic

I do wish this 12” skillet had a helper handle. At over 2 pounds empty, it can feel a little unwieldy in the hand, probably due to the length of the handle. Add in a full skillet worth of food and it would be nice to have another place at which I can grab the skillet.



This isn’t the most versatile pan I’ve ever used, for several reasons.

  • It is only oven-safe up to 350°F (176°C). 
  • You need to avoid using it above medium heat.
  • You need to avoid using metal utensils, as this can scratch the ceramic coating.
  • It steams food instead of searing or sauteeing it. 
  • Cooking sprays will gum and burn on it.
  • It’s not induction-compatible.

But since the ceramic coating is non-reactive, it’s fine for acidic foods. So simmer that spaghetti sauce in it if you want to; you have nothing to fear besides maybe some staining. 

Ease of Use and Maintenance


This pan cleaned up like a dream! After my chicken-cooking disaster, it looked like I’d have to scrub at the mess left behind. But with a quick swipe of my dishcloth, the burnt bits came right off! I didn’t need an ounce of elbow grease. 

burnt bits on the pan

I was seriously impressed with how easy the clean-up was. Some non-stick pans (looking at you, CAROTE) leave you feeling like you’re just chasing the mess around the pan, but not the GreenLife skillet!

While cleanup is initially very simple, ceramic-coated cookware needs to be babied to extend its short life as much as possible. T marketing for this pan claims its dishwasher safe, but don’t try it. The temperature changes and harsh conditions in a dishwasher will wear out the ceramic coating more quickly than hand-washing it will; it could also cause the ceramic to chip.

Cleaning recommendation

Like other ceramic skillets, the GreenLife pan doesn’t need to be seasoned and will not rust unless it’s very badly damaged.

Longevity and Warranty


Dear reader, I’m going to level with you: the GreenLife pan isn’t going to last long. The best ceramic-coated pans, like Caraway, last 2-3 years. And Caraway costs several times more than a GreenLife skillet. When it comes to ceramic pans, you get what you pay for.

At worst, you’ll get 6 months with your GreenLife pan before the nonstick coating wears out. But, if you handle it gently, Amazon reviews suggest you’ll get 12-18 months of regular use from your pan.

always use oil or butter for best results

GreenLife does have a 2-year warranty, although it is only useful in the case of manufacturing defects. The warranty does not cover wear and tear, scratches, or any kind of accident. It doesn’t hurt to try to replace the pan under warranty, but I wouldn’t get my hopes up. It is up to the company’s sole discretion as to whether the damaged pan will be replaced.

If you purchase products through the GreenLife website, you get 60 days to return them – but only if they’re unused. And you’ll have to pay for return shipping.

Price and Availability


This GreenLife pan is an incredibly affordable piece of cookware. It’s available at a wide range of merchandisers, from big box stores like Target and Walmart to online retailers like Amazon and Wayfair. You can also purchase it directly from the GreenLife website.

You can buy GreenLife cookware in sets or “open stock.”  So you can select just the pieces you need or outfit your entire kitchen.

Health and Safety Considerations


The body of the GreenLife pan is made of recycled aluminum coated with a sol-gel ceramic coating. Is it safe? The short answer is, “most likely yes.”

Ceramic coatings (no matter the brand) are made without the “forever chemicals” found in traditional nonstick (Teflon) pans. GreenLife specifically states its coating is “free of PFAS, PFOA, lead, and cadmium”.

This is all good news.

However, some experts are worried about titanium and quartz nanoparticles from scratched ceramic coatings that “can penetrate lung tissue more readily than larger particles.”

This is why ceramic coatings are “most likely safe”. We simply need more time and more research to understand this fairly new technology. I don’t mean to scare you with this information; here at The Skillful Cook, we have a comprehensive guide to ceramic cookware safety if you’d like more information!

The GreenLife pan handles are made of bakelite, a type of synthetic plastic. The good news is that bakelite no longer contains asbestos, as that was phased out in the mid-1980s. However, it is still made with formaldehyde. If the handle gets too hot, it may release formaldehyde fumes. Not only do these fumes smell awful, they are unhealthy to breathe.

GreenLife states the food surface of its pans is California Prop 65 compliant, but it lists chemicals of potential concern that “may be present in substrate layers.

Most of these are metals like aluminum and chromium that make up the pan’s body. They should not come in contact with your food unless the coating is badly chipped or scratched.

Takeaway: We don’t know everything about ceramic coatings, but they are generally regarded as safe. Concerns come into play when the coating scratches, potentially releasing nanoparticles or allowing food to make contact with the pan substrate.

Company and Environmental Impact


GreenLife is made by The Cookware Company, the same manufacturer as GreenPan and Blue Diamond, and the original manufacturer of ceramic nonstick pans. GreenLife pans are manufactured in China.

In 2019, a class-action lawsuit was filed against The Cookware Company, alleging that its GreenPans were advertised as toxin-free, but contain compounds known to be toxic. These toxins were alleged to be in the trademark “Thermolon” coating.

Guess what brand also uses Thermolon coating? That’s right, GreenLife. This lawsuit was dismissed with no finding of liability and no “admission of wrongdoing” by GreenPan, but it still leads to consumer distrust.

The company has also been accused of “greenwashing” by various sources because there is very little third-party verification of the claims it makes.

GreenLife pans are made with at least 65% recycled aluminum according to the brand’s website. It also claims that manufacturing the sol-gel coating produces around 50% less carbon dioxide than manufacturing Teflon coatings.

GreenLife pans are made with at least 65% recycled aluminum

But it fails to recognize the environmental and human cost of its low-budget, low-quality-control manufacturing procedures. And ignores the fact that its pans will end up in a landfill within 2-3 years. 

For a truly “green” cookware option, consider something that lasts a lifetime, like enameled cast iron.

What Else Do People Say About It?

GreenLife Soft Grip pans are compatible with gas stoves, but some users report that the bakelite handle gets hot and emits a foul odor, even when cooking on low heat.

handle gets hot and emits a foul odor

While many users seem to like these pans, many have mentioned scratches straight out of the box (mine had two paint chips). Others mention that in less than 6 months the non-stick properties of the ceramic were gone, making cooking eggs a nightmare.

the pan lost its nonstick properties after 6 months

Many users seem to agree these pans require patience, as you must cook “low and slow” to keep the pan in good shape. As we saw from my test cooking chicken, the pan does not cook quickly.

low and slow cooking on the pan

Alternatives to Consider

There are a ton of non-stick pans and cookware sets on the market. One of my favorites is CAROTE granite cookware, with removable handles. Available in a set or as single pans, it’s a solid bit of cookware at an affordable price.

Verdict: Good (75/100)
CAROTE 11pcs Pots and Pans Set

CAROTE is a lightweight and affordable set of ceramic nonstick pots and pans. These stackable pots and pans have removable handles and are excellent space-savers. CAROTE is only to be used at medium or lower heat, but cooks evenly and looks great doing it.

Check Today's Price Full Review

If you want a longer-lasting ceramic pan and don’t mind spending more money then Caraway is the way to go. In my tests, I found that it cooks better than most ceramic pans on the market, and it looks great doing it.

Caraway Nonstick Ceramic Frying Pan

This ceramic-coated cookware is built heavier than most on the market and comes in uniquely versatile shapes. It requires a little oil to be nonstick but is quite easy to clean.

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We also have a list of the best ceramic cookware that is made in the USA, which offers several excellent alternatives. Keep in mind it is hard for American-made products to match the budget offerings mass-produced in China, so your price point will be higher with these pieces of cookware.


To be honest, I don’t like this pan. I let my husband use it, and he doesn’t like it either. 

I could see buying this when you’re traveling and need a quick cheap backup. Or getting it for someone who doesn’t cook often. I could even see it as a specialty piece –  “This is my egg pan.” 

It’s affordable enough to keep on hand just for eggs or grilled cheese sandwiches. But as a go-to skillet for everyday cooking, I’ll pass. There are much better nonstick ceramic options on the market, like Caraway or CAROTE.

About the author
Ellyn is a professional writer and a short-order cook for her family of four. As a mother, her spare time is filled with investigating all things food and wellness. Equipped with a pantry of exotic ingredients, a shelf full of nutrition books, and a bit of international travel experience, she loves creating healthy and beautiful meals.

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