Hokey Pokey Recipe

Susan, AKA Kiwicook

In her days as a recipe developer, Susan has created over 450 recipes. Her Dutch and New Zealander roots serve as a basis for her culinary inspiration.


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Hokey pokey (or honeycomb, as it’s often referred to in other parts of the world) is one of New Zealand’s favourite candies and one that’s been around for generations. I remember making it at primary school (we’re talking early ’70s here folks!) at one of our weekly Home Economics classes. I particularly recall being in awe of its metamorphosis from simple sugar syrup to frothy, aerated crunchy confection.

Hokey pokey is simple and easy to make, though you do need to watch that the caramel doesn’t burn (trust me I know…). You also need to move really quickly once you add the baking soda as it froths up super quickly and starts setting almost immediately. After you’ve navigated those challenges though, all you have to worry about is not eating the whole lot in one sitting! As if…..



Indulge in the sweet, airy crunch of Hokey Pokey! Made with just three ingredients, this simple treat is a burst of caramel flavor. Perfect for snacking or adding a playful touch to desserts.
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Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Course Dessert
Servings 100 g
Calories 4 kcal


  • 5 Tbsp white granulated sugar
  • 2 Tbsp Golden Syrup
  • 1 tsp baking soda, sifted


  • Put sugar and golden syrup into a saucepan.
  • Heat gently, stirring constantly (a silicon spoon works best) until the sugar dissolves.
  • Increase the heat a little and bring to the boil. Boil for around  two minutes*. Stir occasionally, if necessary, to prevent burning. As soon as it reaches a deeper amber colour (like a new copper penny), remove from heat immediately.
  • Sprinkle in the baking soda. Stir quickly to combine (or you’ll end up with yucky soda lumps) until mixture froths up rapidly!
  • Dump immediately into a buttered tin (don’t pat the mixture down, as it needs to retain the air bubbles inside). Leave until cold and hard then break into pieces (I find applying the tip of a sharp knife vertically down through the mixture creates a nice clean break, without collapsing the aerated holes).
  • Store in an airtight container (or it will start to soften and go sticky) in your pantry .


*Your caramel may be ready well before 2 minutes – it’s far more reliable to watch and smell the caramel, than it is to time it. 


Calories 4kcalCarbohydrates 1gFat 0.002gSodium 0.01mgPotassium 0.01mgSugar 1g (1%)Calcium 0.01mg
Keyword Candy, Hokey Pokey
Tried this recipe?Let us know if you liked it in the comments below!
About the author
Susan, also known as the Kiwi Cook, hails from Levin, New Zealand, and has a unique Kiwi-Dutch-British heritage that influenced her culinary upbringing. As an artist, tutor, writer, and editor, Susan dedicates her weekends to creating delectable dishes. Her food philosophy embraces moderation and listening to her body's needs.

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2 responses
  1. Avatar

    I suppose I could find golden syrup here in New Hampshire USA, but we have so much maple syrup, I used that instead. Pure maple syrup, not the stuff with all the high fructose corn syrups and flavorings. It came out just as good! Thanks! (oh, we called it sea foam as a kid)

    1. Susan, AKA Kiwicook

      Hi Lucy. Great to hear from you! Absolutely, pure maple syrup would be a stirling substitute. Lucky you having maple syrup in spades! I use it all the time, but it’s so expensive over here in New Zealand. PS: Sea foam is a really cute name!